Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Mission Trip

im not speaking for everyone in this post, so PLEASE dont all start complaining about everything im about to say, ok?? this is just ME speaking, no one else...of course, if anyone else feels the same way, i would encourage you to make your opinion known...we should all have the freedom to express our feelings on matters that directly involve ourselves...just thought i'd put that out in the open so you'd all know that this won't be an exceptionally pleasant post...i'll try to do one of those next, since i haven't really been posting anything pleasant for the past 6 months or so...

first of all, i want to point out that i have gotten very few straight answers about anything in the past few weeks, so if anything i may reference about any of the mission trips i've been on or will go on is false, it's because i was never given a real answer and had to do my own research to find even the smallest bit of information on the saying that because i dont want people coming up to me later and telling me that they told me something different from what they actually said...i have a good memory for these types of things, so dont try to feed me lies because i can tell when people are lying quite easily...

now, i'd like to start my rant by reminding you all of the children in cant honestly tell me you've never gotten attached to at least one of them!! we all know that some of those kids aren't as close as others to coming to know Jesus Christ, so our work is hardly done my opinion, it never will be!! as long as the people up there keep having children, there will always be someone to teach the gospel to!! this is why i don't think it's right that we never even got a chance to say goodbye to all of them...most of them were still under the impression that we were going up there this year until very recently!! and as attached as we've gotten to them, they've gotten just as equally just doesn't seem right to me to just stop going up to Canadatown without any explanations!! sure, some people are carrying on the tradition and doing the VBS thing without the help our our youth group, but it still seems wrong for us to not at least say goodbye...i am fully planning on going to Canadatown at my own expense next year with or without the church to at least explain why we never showed up this year, but it would help if i had a bit of a following...phil and jimma and everyone are fun, but they can't really accurately relate to the younger kids on their level, you know?? how does a 20-something-year-old relate to a 3rd grader?? i think that it would be great to carry on the tradition as a youth group, but if that's impossible, i'll gladly go alone or with a few people and stay in a hotel, just to say goodbye...i hate open-ended relationships with people...i HATE losing touch because of something that is beyond my control!! ive done it too many times to willingly sit back and watch it happen again!! i will gladly do all the planning and find adults who are willing to supervise if it means we can say proper goodbyes...i know planning probably has a lot to do with the change in mission location this year anyway!! i mean, lets face it!! our youth leaders arent exactly the best at planning ahead!! we started this years fundraisers TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE TRIP for goodness sake!! there was a reason we've always started in February before, you know!! but yeah if anyone is interested on hearing more or helping plan for that trip (YOU MUST COMMIT TO PLANNING!! DO NOT JUST GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU LOST INTEREST!!) then you should definitely let me know...i know how long it takes to plan these kinds of things, and we wouldn't want to wait until the last minute and have everyone pay for gas out of their own pockets or anything...

now, about this year's sounds like fun, and it would be a great opportunity if there weren't so many distracting problems with it...first of all, and i know this really shouldn't be THAT big of a deal but somehow it is in my mind, the dorms are basically one big room with 3 bunk beds and one bathroom...i actually had to do research to figure that out since i was only given half of the it turns out, there is ONE shower, ONE sink, and ONE toilet for FIVE girls...if it were guys, that might work, but we had about that many girls in the Canadatown dorms, and it got crowded with THREE toilets, showers, and sinks!! and its not like everyone can just take showers at night, because everyone would have to stay up and wait for their turn in the bathroom while the people who take showers in the morning are trying to sleep!! trust me, i NEED that sleep if people expect me to be enjoyable to be around, ok?? im about 3 seconds away from coming up with some kind of bathroom schedule just to try to calm down the rush of people who will be in the bathrooms in the mornings!! in my research i found that there was an option to get 2-3 person rooms, each with their own bathrooms for about $26 extra per person...i mean, really?? why wouldn't we be able to pay that if we'd started fundraisers earlier??!! it seems like a lot less stress on our parts if you ask me...

continuing with the subject of this year's trip, i want to comment on the whole "Sports" element of it...has anyone else realized that approximately 3.5 hours a day and 15 hours of the entire week will be spent playing sports, while only 6 hours of the week will be spent on lunch, crafts, and Bible Study??!! i assumed that a mission trip was supposed to be mainly about GOD and the BIBLE, not sports!! yeah, i get that kids need to exercise, but aren't their spiritual needs a bit more important than their physical needs?? we could have at least done something like Drama, where we could have acted out Bible scenes and least they would be learning!! i just wish that more effort had been made to try and find out what our group would have preferred doing...i mean, i cant be the only one who's not at all fond of sports!! of course, if i bring it up to anyone higher up on the youth leadership ladder, they'll insist that they DID ask, but if they ever did, it was in passing or was put off until the end of wednesday night bible study, when everyone is itching to leave and it never had a chance of being discussed!! we should have had a meeting at some point so that the youth could have been part of the mission planning process, because im sure im not the only one with strong opinions in the group!! we could have sat down and listed the pros and cons of every possible area of missions work, and came up with one that we could all agree on, because if there had been a meeting, i DEFINITELY would not have supported the sports camp idea!! i just don't see how it ties in with the general conception of missions work!! i'm all for fun and games, but there has to be a time to be serious too, and i DONT think 1/3 of an hour and a half is enough time to truly focus on God with these kids!!

finally, id like to touch on another insignificant detail in this year's the packet given to us explaining the rules of the MissionLab, we were given lists of places to eat and things to do in New Orleans, but lets be honest!! WHEN are we ever going to be allowed to do any of it??!! sure, we have 3 hours of free time 3 times a week, but we also need a chaperon to go with us, so unless we can find an adult who won't mind going on a swamp tour at 7pm (i dont even know what time they stop the tours!!) or to the mall with a bunch of tweenage and teenage girls, i DONT think any of that is going to why give us a list of stuff we can't do?? i just thought it was a bit unnecessary...

so yeah i hope i've gotten my message across!! i just don't want the opinions of the youth to take a backseat to the preferences of the youth leaders...we are the youth, so we should have a voice in the decisions made about what the youth is expected to do!! im sure if we all really want to do something, we could work hard and make it a reality...if we made committees for planning and fundraising, we might be able to realize some of the ideas we've had in the past for fun things to do with the youth...and once the regular youth start getting involved, others are bound to follow!! no one wants to be a part of a group that never takes into account the thoughts of its members, so no one is actively participating in anything we're doing (which is, in my opinion, a whole lot of nothing!!)...i would be glad to have a larger part in the goings-ons of the youth group, but until we actually HAVE a youth group (and by that i mean a group of youth who want to participate and give their opinions), that can never happen!! its sad, but its true...unless we want a youth group consisting of 3-5 regulars who really arent so regular when you think about it, we need to start listening to ideas and ACTING on them!! i have plenty of low-to-no-cost ideas that i could give, but i want them to be taken seriously, and not just heard, then dismissed!!

like i said before, im gonna try to post some more pleasant things later on, so dont let this post depress you TOO much...until next time, im signing off

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Grr...My Frustrations

ok, if you dont want to read a really long post about everything thats been irritating me over the past few weeks, skip this post...if you really want to read it, go ahead, but im going to warn you right now that youve probably done something mentioned in this post before, and youre not gonna like what i have to say about feeling extremely opinionated today, and i do NOT need people crying over the fact that ive been mad at them at some point...and before anyone asks, NO THIS IS NOT ANOTHER MEGAN POST!! im dealing with that in a different way now, so these frustrations are simply things that ive noticed about people in general and how theyve irked lets begin, shall we??

1. why do people need to be told not to do something more than once?? i honestly dont get it!! its not like it requires any physical effort!! its not like im telling them to DO something!! if youre running, and i tell you to stop, shouldnt it be a relief to stop running?? its not like im telling you to run...does that make any sense?? its just that it shouldnt take any effort to stop doing something that doesnt need to be done...i mean, if it's something like smoking, sure, i can see how it might be hard to stop because the nicotine in the cigarettes is addictive, but if im telling you to stop observing me and reporting everything i say and/or do to my parents, shouldnt it be easy to stop?? i mean, sometimes i get mad about something, and i feel that i should share the fact that im mad with the facebook community so they dont accidentally cross my path at the wrong time, causing me to lash out uneccessarily at them...does that give them a right to ask about it?? i mean, its my problem, right?? no theirs?? so why in the heck do people ask??!! its not your problem!! dont worry yourself with it!! i understand that some people LIKE to know whats going on in peoples lives so they can "help" them, but i dont want people trying to "help" me!! the only person who can get through MY problems is ME...if im mad at snakes, what are you gonna do?? kill them all?? good luck!! i just dont want people butting into my life...i post those statuses for YOUR SAKE!! so you DONT get me more fired up than i already am!! thats why i write that i dont want you asking about it!! im not "being mean" ok?? im WARNING you!! wouldnt you want to KNOW if i was about to blow up at anyone who annoyed me with their trivial nonsense and wannabe psychoanalytical garbage??!! im not trying to be mean, but when im ticked off about something, i dont really want to hear your hypotheses...more than that, i dont really CARE what your opinions are!! it sounds rude, but it's the truth!! you have no idea what im going through in my life, and i dont know whats happening in yours, so lets just keep it that way!! and i REALLY dont need people alerting my parents whenever i get mad over a stubbed toe and decide to write about it on facebook, ok?? they dont need to know EVERY DETAIL OF MY LIFE!! they should KNOW that im not writing anything on there that i wouldnt say out loud in their presence!! i never say ANYTHING online that i wouldnt say to someones face if i had the chance!! spying on my statuses is NOT ok with me, and i dont know anyone who WOULD be ok with that!! its not that i dont want people reading them, its just that people dont need to take EVERYTHING so seriously!! its like saying that i hate steak is an insult to whoever i say it to!! if you think telling my parents that im mad isnt gonna bother me, you have some serious issues to work out, because no one on the planet wants people reporting everything they do to someone else...if youre insulted by whatever i say, thats your problem, ok?? i dont say things to personally attack people, i say them because they need to be said!! i would hate for people to go on in life thinking that they were model Christians when they didnt even have the decency to think about whether or not someone would be bothered by someone spying on pretty sure the "model Christian" shouldnt be spying on people in the first place!! if it's none of your business, then butt out!!

2. why do people think that all Christian music needs to contain the words Jesus, God, savior, messiah, etc.?? isn't Christian music defined as any music that is written with Christian morals?? isn't there a difference between singing ABOUT God and FOR God?? i mean, even secular artists can sing ABOUT God!! they can sing about how much they think He sucks, but aren't they still singing ABOUT Him?? i think that Christian music should be anything that is being written or performed in order to praise Him!! who CARES if the song is just about something random like dancing??!! if the band consists of CHRISTIAN ARTISTS with CHRISTIAN MORALS, shouldn't they be considered to be CHRISTIANS?? take Hawk Nelson, for example...i absolutely HATE it when people say they're not Christian because not every one of their songs is about God...have you ever met them?? do you know what their morals are?? if i were to ask you to name one song of theirs that was offensive to Christians, could you?? i certainly couldnt!! who are you to judge the faith of four guys who just want to perform their music in the name of Jesus?? in fact, im almost positive that its a SIN to doubt the faith of another!! am i right?? its not like theyre doing anything WRONG!! theyre just singing!! since when is it wrong to sing about dancing??!! just because every line doesnt say "Jesus is my savior," that does NOT mean theyre not Christian!! just because the music has a beat and its not some 200 year old hymn, that doesnt mean its BAD!! i just think that people need to stop doubting the faith of most Christian bands!!

3. does anyone really know what the word "random" means?? to be random is to be without definite aim, purpose, or why do people apply the word to themselves for no apparent reason?? the most predictable people are always saying that they're random, even when they've never done anything even remotely random...for a person to be considered random, you would think they would have some kind of habit of blurting out completely unrelated thoughts or something, right?? i just don't understand why everyone calls themselves random!! if everyone really were random, normal conversations would be practically nonexistent, wouldn't they?? it just seems like everyone always starts their "about me" sections on their profiles on various websites with something along the lines of "so yeah, i'm pretty random!!" without really explaining how they came to such a conclusion...


see, THAT is came from nowhere, and was therefore devoid of aim, purpose, and/or is commenting on something after its already been brought up in conversation being random?? cuz thats basically what people consider to be random...just throwing that out there

4. why do people always comment on how they have like "# whole items" or whatever?? are they implying that everyone else has parts of the items?? like commercials are always boasting how you can get "2 whole DVD's for only $19.95!!" are they gonna send you half a DVD?? OF COURSE THEY'RE WHOLE!! cant they just say "2 DVD's"?? i couldnt tell you why, but it irritates me SO MUCH!!

5. just thought i'd let everyone know that megan's boyfriend, yamire, is a jerk...i hope she tells him i said that, too...

6. i really dont like the movers who've been here since monday...they packed up all the shoes...i needed those shoes for the mission trip...i was forced to buy a new pair...they also left a bunch of stuff near my bed unpacked, even though it all followed the guidelines of what they were able to pack...i was mad...oh, and they blocked off every entrance to every room before they left, making it impossible to roam around the house...i hate moving with a passion...i will be something close to relieved when the dumb moving truck gets here on thursday...even though im gonna lose my bed, at least i wont have to deal with them ever again and all these dumb boxes will be gone!! i cant believe i even survived 2 days!! if it werent for Breaking Dawn, i probably would've died of boredom!!

7. WHY do people constantly ask me if im still going on the mission trip this summer?? havent i been SAYING i was going since last year?? also, why would i have shown up to the car wash on saturday with only a day's notice and openly expressed my less-than-thrilled attitude toward being there in the heat that early in the morning if i wasnt determined to go on this trip??!! YES its true that i cant go if we dont earn the money, but thats the only thing that might hinder my decision...what bugs me most is that the same people ask me like 50 times each, many of which are in the same day!! like ive really changed my mind in the past 10 minutes!! wouldnt it be easier to ask like once every 2 months up until the trip, and then once like 2 weeks from the trip?? i just find it unecessary to ask every day!! of course, the bigger concern is why are we JUST NOW starting fundraisers like 2 weeks before the trip??!! theres a reason we've always started in february in years past, you know!! i just think its a bit of a sign that you're unprepared when you start planning something you've known about for months 2 weeks before it happens...i stand by what i said saturday about not paying for a trip that i cant go on because of the price...its irrational, and if the lack of planning is the cause of my not being able to go, i dont think i should HAVE to pay for it...maybe thats just my opinion, but i know of at least 3 or 4 people who agree with it...

so yeah, those are pretty much my biggest irritations at the now you know that when i seem a bit snarky, its nothing just really frustrated by something that whatever you said probably reminded me of, ok?? so when my facebook status or whatever says that im mad, DONT INVOLVE YOURSELF AND YOU WONT GET YOUR FRAGILE, SENSITIVE LITTLE FEELINGS HURT!! keep in mind that im rarely ruffled by anyones sarcastic or insensitive comments, so i dont understand what you people freak out about whenever i use said comments...if you have a problem with the way i speak to you, no offense is ever intended; i just think of whatever would offend me, and i dont say that stuff...i cant think of everything that might offend someone because, lets face it, some people are just irrationally sensitive about the smallest, most inconsequential things!! ive dealt with overly sensitive people before, and i try to avoid them like the plague now, so if you happen to be one of them, it would be best if you would just not say anything to me when my status says that im angry because i WILL snap at you...its in my nature to stay angry when im angry, and i need to be by myself to calm down because people irritate me the most when im already PLEASE take this entry as a hint and leave me alone when i seem even the slightest bit miffed (you can tell by the clenching of my jaw, the glaring murderously at everything in sight [yes thats a Midnight Sun quote], or the snarky/sarcastic tone of my voice) and approach me only when im showing signs of possible friendliness (unemotional face or slight smile, eyes open wide or closed completely, or staring off into space thoughtfully)...keep in mind that just because im quiet, that doesnt mean im mad, but you should probably look for the other signs just in case...

now that thats off my chest, im signing off...ill try to post more often, but the most eventful thing happening in my life presently is my aggravation with the movers so yeah...bye