Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Songs I'm Currently In Love With

yeah, so ive been listening to a lot of music lately, and i thought i'd share some of my favorite songs with you guys...theyre in no particular order, and NO they are NOT all Hawk Nelson songs!! haha ok, so heres my list:

so yeah, those are my favorite songs at the moment, but ive been listening to quite a few others...pretty much anything by any of the artists mentioned above...

i just thought i'd share, since my last post wasn't really about anything other than costumes...i remember when i used to post on here every day!! of course, that was when i first made this blog, so the circumstances are a bit different than they were back then...

oh, and by the way, i might try to find a way for my posts to stop being automatically uploaded to facebook, so if anyone actually reads those things, you might have to come to the site to read them...

but yeah, thats all i really had to say...bye

Monday, October 19, 2009


ok so im just gonna come right out and say it: this blog sucks!! i never write anything interesting, so no one reads it...but this week i had a conversation with a friend about spirit week and costumes and how i don't actually HAVE a spirit week, and i thought "why not wear costumes around the house, and then post pictures online??" i mean, home-schooled people need to have some fun too, right?? so ive decided that every week (or month; i havent really decided yet), im going to pick a theme and dress up in a related costume (and maybe my brother and sister, too)...

also, depending on the number of people who actually read this (im guessing 1?? maybe 2??), i might have some kind of contest for each week's (or month's) theme...i think that constitutes as fun, right?? who doesnt like dressing up in costumes?? so yeah, maybe it just sounds fun in my head; i dont know, but i think im gonna do it...ill decide by Friday so i can get everything planned and advertised in time for yeah, just keep checking here for updates!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


...otherwise known as germophobia, is the fear of germs or being contaminated with would think that someone with this illness wouldn't want anyone touching their stuff, right?? well then why do people come into my room, touch my clothes, sit on my bed, move stuff around, and release all kinds of bodily gasses into my breathing air?? ive made it quite clear over the years that im mysophobic, but no one seems to want to respect may think that its a lifestyle choice that i can control, but if you've ever had a phobia or any kind of mental illness, or even an addiction, you should know that it is completely out of my control...i cant just NOT think about the germs that are all over people and that are floating around in the air or forming colonies on every surface in the house...its basically a part of my genetic makeup; my brain has been programed to think this way, and i cant help it...

what i don't get is why its so hard for so many people to respect that i don't want their germs on most cases, its nothing personal (you'll know if its personal cuz ill tell you), but i just don't like germs...i usually will give people instructions on how not to give me a heart attack when they're around me, so theres really no excuse for anyone not following the simple guidelines i give are some basic ones:

  1. wash your hands
  2. if you touch my computer, spray it with Lysol afterwards
  3. use hand sanitizer
  4. dont touch my food
  5. dont touch my clothes
  6. sit on one of the many chairs i have in my room, NOT on my bed
  7. put the cover down on the toilet before you flush it
  8. dont touch my personal supply of cups
  9. cover your mouth/nose when you sneeze/cough/burp and use hand sanitizer or wash your hands afterwards
  10. leave the room to release any other bodily gasses (im not one of those immature people who will make a big deal out of it; i just dont wanna breathe it in)
i think a lot of these should be pretty standard as far as hygiene goes, to be totally honest...sure, some of them may seem a bit excessive (like the cups), but to me, it sounds completely normal...

also, i would like to point out that CLEAN and NEAT/ORGANIZED are completely different things...CLEAN is a mysophobe's best's like the absence of germs, or at least a majority of them...NEAT is when everything is in its place...most people seem to think that its hypocritical of me to have an unorganized room and call myself mysophobic, but i would like to point out that everything in my room is CLEAN, even the me, i make sure of that...if i have a clean blanket on a clean floor, it doesn't mean my room is dirty; it means my room is unorganized...

i just thought id share this since SOME people have decided that my mental health is of no importance recently and have been breaking every single one of my rules (i only listed the 10 basic ones)...i just wanted to make sure everyone was clear on the fact that i hate germs and that im prone to panic attacks when i become contaminated with other people's germs...