Sunday, December 28, 2008

Burning Up: On Tour With The Jonas Brothers

yesterday i went to walmart and bought the jonas brothers book...i finished reading it today and i must say it was quite interesting!! some of the pictures just cracked me up, and the captions were even better!! like this one, for instance:

yeah...that one's great...anyway, some of the stuff in the book reminded me of certain pretty much everything nick wrote reminded me of megan, and the stuff joe wrote reminded me of both myself (which kinda freaked me out) and a very concieted person (which disturbed me because of my prior observation) because of the 5 million pages that were about him...whatever, overall the book was pretty cool...definately worth the 15 bucks i paid for it!! also, i kinda dig some of the fashion choices made by the guys, like joe's red suit and gold jacket and all of their sunglasses...i also really liked a hat one of them was wearing...i cant remember who...but yeah, that was anyway, just go read the book cuz theres more than just funny pictures and nice clothes in there...some of the stuff they wrote was really...well, nice, for lack of a better word!! like, it shows their emotional side, i know, what they're like offstage and away from the cameras...they really have close ties to each other and the rest of the family and you can tell they really enjoy what they do...just go out and read the book!! im tired of writing about it...well im actually not digging my computer so much right now cuz of the dumb photobucket incident, but thats a whole different story!! so yeah...later...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Music

im a fairly unenthusiastic person when it comes to most holidays, and christmas is no exception, but this year im kinda starting to get a bit more into the spirit...i guess because im starting to hear some familiar songs (and some not-so-familiar) sang by people who can actually offense, but johnny cash and elvis have some of the most annoying voices ive ever heard and they should not be allowed to record holiday doesnt help that my mother has some kind of strange obsession with christmas song and needs to buy every new holiday cd that comes out!! anyway, back to the better are some examples:

  • hawk nelson's christmas cd, including "last christmas"
  • taylor swift's "santa baby" and "last christmas"
  • the jonas brothers' "girl of my dreams", "joyful kings", and "christmas song" (that ones really really REALLY old...)
  • flyleaf's "christmas song"
  • fm static's version of "christmas shoes"

you can look all of them up on youtube...but yeah, since im hearing more and more christmas songs being recorded by artists with actual talent, i haven't minded most of the christmas spirit this year...its weird, i know...of course, im STILL not crazy about all these unecessary holiday parties my mother insists on throwing...people...ew...

Sunday, November 30, 2008


yeah...i was gonna write on here a while ago cuz there was something really important i had to say, but i forgot what it was...i think i was just gonna complain about a really bad day i had...idk...well since my last post a few things have happened: joe jonas broke up with taylor swift over the phone in 27 seconds, this contest i entered a while back ended, and i saw the twilight movie!!
  1. ok, so about the whole breakup thing...i have no idea why i followed that whole drama thingy so closely...i guess its just i like taylor swift and i like the jonas brothers...i dont know, but i find that i respect taylor a little less now that i know that she was the one that ended the call at 27 seconds, and because she was being really immature about the whole thing and telling anyone who would listen...after taking all of this into account, i cant really find any reason to look down on joe...i mean, sure he coulda broken up with her in person, but he had to have been kinda busy, seeing how hes a jonas brother...duh!! and i dont blame him for being the one to end the relationship because sometimes people just have a "change of heart"...taylor even said so herself in "breathe": "people are people and sometimes we change our minds" yeah, thats where i stand on that issue
  2. a while back i entered a contest to win a trip to the bahamas and to see a private jonas brothers concert...well, it ended at 11:59 on Friday night...i havent heard anything yet, even though my sister, her boyfriend, my friend, and i all entered ourselves 10 times each...i may seem calm on the outside, but inwardly i am freaking out...they were supposed to choose the winner yesterday...i need to win...if i dont ill die...what if i have a heart attack and die, then they tell me i won!! i think i would cry...that would be horrible!! im hyperventilating!! HELP!!
  3. ok new subject...the twilight movie!! it had really bad acting and the plot got all screwed up in the process of making the movie, but it was still AMAZING!! you can even ask megan...the whole time we were in the theater, i had to keep hitting her cuz for some strange reason (maybe because of the vast multitude of attractive male actor on the screen), she kept randomly screaming out "ooh i wanna piece of THAT!!", or "look that that SEXY BEAST!!", or even "MMM-MM!!" was actually quite entertaing because the people around us were growing quite annoyed...then, when we saw something that didnt happen in the book, we would simultaneously freak out about it, sometimes laughing so hard about it that it was almost impossible to stop and that the people in front of us felt the need to leave (ok, so that may not have been our fault, but im gonna take the blame for it anyway!!)...then, when we left the theater, we were immediately grateful that we had gone to the 4:30 showing because the line for the 7:00 showing came from the theater, went down the hall, and wrapped back aroud to end pretty much even with the front of the was yeah, GO SEE THE MOVIE!!

well, thats pretty much everything that happened...well, except for the fact that i went shopping yesterday and that my brother, pete, came down for thanksgiving...dude needs to stop using my bathroom...its yeah, thats it for now!! peace!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

high school experiment

isnt it funny how something as simple as a new school can change someone so drastically that they're hardly even recognizable as the same person anymore?? well, its not exactly funny an the "ha ha" sense, but its kinda wierd...did i change when i started high school?? was i just too absorbed in what was happening that i couldnt see how far id come from what i was like even a month before?? i dont know, but ive been conducting a little "experiment" if you will about how long it takes a certain test subject to change after starting high school and also how long it takes said test subject to figure it protect this persons privacy (though they dont even know im using them for my little "experiment"), well call the test subject "ts" lets start from the beginning: before the start of the school year, ts was a devout christian, they could care less about people of the opposite gender (at least, they weren't insane about it), and they were willing to stay up until the wee hours of the morning doing school work to avoid failing...seems like ts has a pretty good head on their shoulders, right?? well that all pretty much stopped after the first month of ts basically refuses to come to church, with excuses ready for anyone who tries to question ts's motives...ts has become "boy-crazy" (i say boy, but that doesn't neccessarily mean ts is a girl...i mean, girl-crazy sounds dumb), talking about that certain someone ALL THE TIME, making it virtually unbearable to talk to them...and as for ts's schoolwork?? well, they may be getting a's, but its not because they're faithfully completing their homework every night...more like their copying down answers from the first source they can find, or not even doing the assignments at all!! its a wonder how ts's teachers dont catch that!! now, whats sad is that this person is still (as far as i know) oblivious to all of this, though most of the people they used to associate with have been talking and we all agree that something's changed...wouldn't you agree, even without knowing ts?? sadly, though, nobody seems to really care but myself...maybe because im so wrapped up in everything thats going on around me instead of just whats happening in my life?? i dont know, but something has to be done...we cant just let all these poor freshmen enter high school as themselves and come out as completely different people!! i mean, sure we all change throughout school, but wouldnt it be better to change in a positive way?? growth is always better than straight-up change in my opinion, so shouldn't we be growing instead of changing?? of course, i cant say that ts is the only person whos changed throughout this "experiment"...ive also kinda been testing myself to see how long it would take me to snap and tell this person off for straying away from the person they were before...i mean, i know its their choice, but come on!! am i supposed to just sit back and let this happen!!?? well, thanks for letting me just get that off my chest...its really been bugging me...a lot...oh, and if ts happens to see this and recognizes it as themself, id just like to say sorry, but its true; i cant deny it...sorry

Saturday, October 11, 2008


ok, last night i figured, "hey, y not read that book u need 2 read for history??" so i did...and it literally put me 2 sleep!! i woke up at 6:30am in bed w/ all the lights on and my book on the i had this really bad cramp that would NOT go eventually, like a half-hour later, the pain died down enough for me 2 fall asleep, but i didnt get 2 sleep for long cuz my dad woke me up at 9 so i could watch danny while he went on some stupid old guy motorcycle ride w/ my mom and a bunch of his old guy sucked cuz i NEED 2 sleep until AT LEAST noon if im gonna be able 2 function correctly...i am so mad right now!! so anyway, i just spent the last hour checking my email, going on facebook, and watching the jonas brothers last web chat from like a year ago...exciting, huh?? well i DID enter myself in this contest 2 win a vacation w/ jb, but im not gonna win and i really couldnt care less if i did or not...i dont really care about anything this morning except that i really wanna be asleep...and my parents didnt even leave food for lunch, so im about 2 have 2 screaming nightmares running around the house asking for food...we dont even have milk, so even if i wanted 2 make macaroni and cheese or something, i cant!! i think im either gonna give them those donuts from 2 days ago or make some cupcake batter and make them eat that...idk how 2 actually make the cupcakes, just the batter...i wonder if there's anything in the other freezer in the garage?? hmm...i kinda wanna make a video of something today, but what?? danny wont dance 2 anything if i have a camera out so that wont work...oh no, i just heard one of them in the kitchen...i think they're hungry...ok it found back 2 the video...maybe i can teach danny that nick j dance or whatever its called...well I wont teach him, but he can watch a video or something...idk...more later i guess...

Thursday, September 25, 2008


ok, so yesterday i woke up half an hour early so i could get 2 school for 7:45 and do "see you at the pole", right?? well it cost me dearly...the whole day i was exhausted!! see, SYATP is this big annual event where christians at all the middle and high schools in the country gather at their school flagpole to pray...but the thing is, u have 2 wake up way early 2 get there on least i didnt have 2 give my monologue!! i dont remember if i mentioned it yet on here but im in drama this year, and we are just now doing our first monologues...well, i got this really dumb one about this whiny little 14-year-old who helps out this blind woman for an hour everyday and who has some kinda juvenile delinquent for a best friend...i hate it...i really dont wanna get up in front of the whole class and perform it!! but whatever, ill live...anyway, back 2 see you at the was actually pretty cool cuz it was like all these christians were just coming out of the woodwork or something!! it was great 2 see so many of us out there praying w/o being ashamed of yeah, i think everyone should have a chance 2 do it at least once cuz it makes u feel great the rest of the day, even if u ARE a wee bit tired...or dead on ur feet!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


grr...i hate projects...see, i just started a new school year last month and ive been assessing my new far so good for the most part...of course they cant all be excellent, and so far ive been assigned 3 projects all around the same time...i had this big history project due friday, then i had a geometry project due the same day 2 periods i have an english project to finish for tomorrow...i have to write a paper comparing Alas, Babylon and A Separate Peace...but the thing is i havent even started it yet and it was assigned 2 weeks ago...oops!! its my own fault i guess, but ive been working really hard lately just 2 be able 2 turn my work in...i can get about half done at night, but im lucky if i can get the rest done before the class its due beginning to feel like ron and harry when they start getting all that homework in the fifth year and they werent even able 2 get half of it done before it was due...i think that was the fifth book, am i right?? whatever, i should probably be working on it shouldnt i?? well, hasta pronto!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jonas Brothers lately my sisters been watching camp rock like 24/7 and its kinda almost impossible 2 tune it out most of the time, so i guess u can say ive been watching the movie a lot...and ive come 2 the conclusion that i do not hate the jonas brothers, as was originally thought...of course, a lot of my not-hate was a product of my finding out that joe and nick wear promise rings w/ crosses on them...i know right?? its not really a reason 2 not-hate someone, but its a big thing in my eyes...i mean, does zac efron wear a promise ring?? NO!! actually, wasnt it thought at one point that he had gotten vanessa ann hudgens pregnant?? did he?? i dont know, but needless 2 say, i think the jonas brothers are way better role models than zac efron, whom my sister idolizes...and i think that instead of my little brother growing up 2 nothing but zac efron and having no one but zac 2 base his morals on, hes much better off with the jonas brothers...of course, if i could have my way, he'd grow up listening to hawk nelson, but he insists on listening to anything veronica listens to...oh well, i may have 2 go 2 a jonas brothers concert one of these days and do a bit more i really wanna ask them if they're real christians, not "yeah i believe in God...@#$!%^&*&", u know?? so yeah, that should be a fun experience for me, especially since megan's now dying 2 go 2 a jonas brothers concert and i cant go ALONE!! so yeah, ill put more updates here as soon as i find a concert close enough 2 go 2 w/o all the adults freaking out and being all "no way thats 700 miles away!!"...minor details, minor details...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Camp Rock and Nursing Homes

ok so yesterday megan was all "lets have a movie night" and i say "mm-kay," thinking im gonna get 2 see some cool movies and such...bad idea...i ended up being forced 2 watch Camp Rock for the second time in 24 hours, and now i have all the songs stuck in my head...the only praise i can give these songs is that they're a heck of a lot more bearable than High School Musical, which SUCKED!! but yeah, so we watched that and The Game Plan and over all it was an ok movie night...but then we ended up looking at a magazine and reading every article with the words "nick", "kevin", "joe", or "jonas" in it...then got into this big conversation about how it would be cool 2 be friends w/ a jonas was pretty bad cuz eventually we got on the subject of future presidential assassinations...yeah, im not gonna go into detail about that anyway, today we got 2 church and megan comes out w/ this amazingly horrid idea that we should go sing 2 old people...if there r 2 kinds of people it is impossible for me 2 work with, its young children and the elderly...i know i had 2 go 2 a nursing home in canadatown, but it wasnt really my forte, u know?? the old people dont like me...and as for singing...YEAH RIGHT!! so yeah, im gonna try 2 find a way 2 get out of that one...maybe we can go visit autistic kids or something...just nothing geriatric or pediatric, PLEASE!! well, hasta luego!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Random Pictures to Think About

ok, i may have used some of these already, but they definitely give u something 2 think about...


josh on chris

josh hugging mr. john

mr. john hugging mr. tommy


cory sleeping

steven on a wierd spinny merry-go-round thing

josh canada (a local) tried 2 cut his hair

ryan hugging steven

is that a camera??

am i close enough??

mikes beautiful pink nails

shawna decided 2 decorate a picture on my camera

clifton in a girls' shirt

demon-possessed ned


steven and phil

grace, megan, and miriam

wow phil...

one of my all-time favorites...i just walked in and happened 2 have my camera

megan and nyoka drew on each others faces...

Saddle Club

ok someone must remind me 2 never sit in my computer room for extended periods of time w/ turning the fan was like 500 degrees in here!! anyway, the saddle club was where we did our little vacation bible school with the kids...basically it was this nasty building full of dirt and spit and stuff with substandard plumbing...yeah we had 2 use porto-potties cuz the water kept shutting was gross...anyway, have u ever tried 2 fit 4 classrooms able 2 fit around 15 kids each into a tiny little building thats like im gonna guess 60x20?? yeah, its hard...well, the hardest part is actually putting up "walls" (theyre actually the way, fitted sheets dont make very good walls) that wont fall down and finding places 4 all the kids 2 sit so they wont have 2 use the floor...they always end up on the floor anyway, but u know what im saying, right?? anyway, our theme for vbs this year was outrigger island, so we had 2 decorate the classrooms in a kind of hawaiian type fashion...i think we did pretty good:

looks pretty good, huh?? yeah well i can only take credit for the room in the first picture...that was my classroom, but really it was me, megan, and cory that decorated that room...stephanie was out delivering flyers 2 people...but thats the saddle club...

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Dorm/Angel-Dale House

yeah thats right, im writing a blog entry about my dorm...i kinda lost track of what i was gonna write about next, so im writing about where i stayed the whole time i was in kentucky...hutton hall at the university of the cumberlands:

this is where we all converged before breakfast the whole week...its pretty awesome isnt it?? ur probably like "freak" but i cant really think of anything else 2 here r some pictures:
sorry i dont really have any pictures from ground level...i was on the 2nd floor and i took advantage of the height 2 get some aerial shots...the last shot up there is of the vending room...boring, right?? anyway, here r some pictures of my actual dorm room:

u just love how different my side of the room is from my roommates, dont u?? of course...the hawk nelson poster was megans idea actually...i brought the poster and was all "im gonna hang it up on my side", but she was like "well then i wont get 2 look at daniel biro as i fall asleep" so we put it on the ceiling between our yeah...ur probably also wondering y we brought jaren on our trip...well we couldnt just leave him home!! he has 2 change the world!! so thats y jaren came w/ us...anyway, when we werent at the dorm or the saddle club (upcoming entry will explain more about saddle club in detail), we were at the angel-dale house...

this is where we did our daily/nightly devotions...where we met up w/ the am team in the mornings after breakfast, then we would all head out 2 the saddle im gonna end this entry now...

Cumberland Falls

ok, so i took a break for a bit but ive still got a lot 2 write about the waterfall, for instance...eagle falls (a smaller waterfall near cumberland falls) hold sentimental value for me, since last year i was baptised there...heres a very bad picture of it:

yeah, i hate this picture, but u get the point right?? so anyway, this yeah we went back 2 the falls...the hike up there was a lot easier than i remembered, but it was still brutal!! so anyway, heres a video of what i saw there...

pretty, huh?? yeah i know...but yeah, the only sad part was that josh (from a previous entry) didnt bring his cape this year...i would post a picture of it, but unfortunately i had a very suckish disposable camera last year and my picture of it was all dark so u cant even see anything...but i KNOW somebodys got a picture of it...whatever...this year josh just hopped around on rocks:

supposedly this is how he hurt his heel, but we all know he fell in the shower...of course, he could have fallen BECAUSE of his bad heel...whatever...he wasnt limping until the night after the falls...when he fell...u know what?? im gonna drop this subject before i make myself sound even more like an anyway, we (me, megan, brittany, shawna, and steven i believe) were just arriving at the falls when we hear nyoka (stevens "girlfriend"), her brother brenton, and his friend zack (all in our 5th and 6th grade class)...u shoulda seen stevens face...he loves nyoka...its always sad 2 watch them say goodbye at the end of the week...but yeah so it turns out they got 2 come 2 the falls 2...i guess they must have come before us 2 get there that far ahead of us...idk, so yeah we had fun w/ brenton, zack, and nyoka:

but yeah...the climb back down from the falls is always harder than the one 2 get up there cuz 2 get there u go up a little ways, then down like 5 flights of stairs...ok do more than that, but whatever...and on the way back u gotta climb back up all those stairs, a lot of which r just rocks on top of each other...its murder getting back from the falls!! but somehow i made it w/ less difficulty than i had the year, i didnt fall this year...last year i fell and got the ginormous shirt i was wearing (it went past my knees!!) all covered in this nasty orange was quite sad, so i didnt wear my huge shirt again...but that is so far away from the subject its not even worth mentioning so idk why i did...well i guess i will close this entry w/ some very pretty pictures of eagle and cumberland falls...