Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jonas Brothers

mm-kay...so lately my sisters been watching camp rock like 24/7 and its kinda almost impossible 2 tune it out most of the time, so i guess u can say ive been watching the movie a lot...and ive come 2 the conclusion that i do not hate the jonas brothers, as was originally thought...of course, a lot of my not-hate was a product of my finding out that joe and nick wear promise rings w/ crosses on them...i know right?? its not really a reason 2 not-hate someone, but its a big thing in my eyes...i mean, does zac efron wear a promise ring?? NO!! actually, wasnt it thought at one point that he had gotten vanessa ann hudgens pregnant?? did he?? i dont know, but needless 2 say, i think the jonas brothers are way better role models than zac efron, whom my sister idolizes...and i think that instead of my little brother growing up 2 nothing but zac efron and having no one but zac 2 base his morals on, hes much better off with the jonas brothers...of course, if i could have my way, he'd grow up listening to hawk nelson, but he insists on listening to anything veronica listens to...oh well, i may have 2 go 2 a jonas brothers concert one of these days and do a bit more research...like i really wanna ask them if they're christians...like real christians, not "yeah i believe in God...@#$!%^&*&", u know?? so yeah, that should be a fun experience for me, especially since megan's now dying 2 go 2 a jonas brothers concert and i cant go ALONE!! so yeah, ill put more updates here as soon as i find a concert close enough 2 go 2 w/o all the adults freaking out and being all "no way thats 700 miles away!!"...minor details, minor details...


  1. that is funny stevie. you know i'm gonna be the one you bring. i would probably shoot you if you went without me r with someone else. muahaha. i need my jonas brothers. *twitch*

  2. *or. my bad. i hate typos.
