Tuesday, June 2, 2009


so its summertime, and i dont know whether i should be happy or sad...it feels great to be doing nothing and know that i dont HAVE to do anything, but its also a bit weird because i keep expecting the vacation to end and ill be back at school...i havent even emptied my bookbag yet because its like i need to make sure im not going back!! its also kinda sad because its my very last year in public schools since ill be homeschooled next year...believe it or not, i (the one who hates school and who has frequently begged to stay home) didnt want to leave on friday...i stayed in the classroom for 20 minutes talking to everyone and thinking about how after i saw past all the work-related stress, the school year had actually been really fun...i almost cried as i walked away for the last time because i knew it was my last day there as a student...i spent another ten minutes walking around campus and taking pictures, but the one i really wanted to take i couldnt take because there were two retards making out right in the way of my shot...im gonna miss it...i cant wait for next year when i get to sneak in during lunches and pep rallies, even if i cant say hi to all my old teachers (i dont want them reporting me after i told them all i was moving...not a smart move...)

so since school let out and ive gotten all (or most) of my tears out of the way, ive been doing basically nothing...i watch movies and listen to music until 4am, then i sleep till 5 or 6pm...its not the most exciting summer break ive ever had, but at least im getting enough sleep...my favorite song right now is "Can't Break Thru" by James Bourne, formerly of Busted...i know its about a relationship, but it kind of fits my life right now...well, one aspect of it anyway...its about how he's given up on a relationship thats been broken and how he wont say he's sorry because he didnt do anything...he talks about how it hurt at first, but now hes "let go in every way"...everyone should listen to it...

Can't Break Thru

isn't it good?? i fell in love with it the first time i heard it, which was like a week ago...sure, theres a not-so-great word in the second verse, but in my mind, i just replace it with yelling

so yeah, i dont know why i even wrote this post because its kind of pointless...all you've learned is that i kind of miss school and that i love a song...how informative!! but yeah...im kinda done because theres nothing else thats even remotely interesting happening in my life right now...bye

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