Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Saddle Club

ok someone must remind me 2 never sit in my computer room for extended periods of time w/ turning the fan on...it was like 500 degrees in here!! anyway, the saddle club was where we did our little vacation bible school with the kids...basically it was this nasty building full of dirt and spit and stuff with substandard plumbing...yeah we had 2 use porto-potties cuz the water kept shutting off...it was gross...anyway, have u ever tried 2 fit 4 classrooms able 2 fit around 15 kids each into a tiny little building thats like im gonna guess 60x20?? yeah, its hard...well, the hardest part is actually putting up "walls" (theyre actually sheets...by the way, fitted sheets dont make very good walls) that wont fall down and finding places 4 all the kids 2 sit so they wont have 2 use the floor...they always end up on the floor anyway, but u know what im saying, right?? anyway, our theme for vbs this year was outrigger island, so we had 2 decorate the classrooms in a kind of hawaiian type fashion...i think we did pretty good:

looks pretty good, huh?? yeah well i can only take credit for the room in the first picture...that was my classroom, but really it was me, megan, and cory that decorated that room...stephanie was out delivering flyers 2 people...but yeah...so thats the saddle club...

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
