Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Update: SORRY!!

WOW!! October...sorry?? then again, no one reads this, so really there's no point in apologizing...

so yeah, i guess i'll start by describing my least, i'll describe what i remember since that was in December and it's now March!! so umm...i got a bunch of clothes and a pillow...Danny got a Wii...i made butterbeer (yum!!)...i almost failed a few of my classes because i didn't work for a few weeks straight...i visited family in Vermont for the first time in about 4 years (wait, was it 4 or 6?? i'll say 4 because it makes me sound a bit better...not much, mind you)...oh yeah, and i decided i want to go to Middlebury College in Vermont!! ok the last one was based mainly on the fact that they have a quidditch team, but there are a few other perks too...such as the fact that it's close to my aunt/uncles/cousins, my immediate family won't be visiting every month like Nicki does to us, and students in the film program are given a chance in their junior year to visit either NYC or Hollywood and study film for 1-2 THERE!!

anyways, back to everything that's happened since i last posted in old foster sister contacted us and spend Thanksgiving at our house...i've gone even paler than normal, and it seems like it'll keep happening for a while...i dyed my hair blonde yet again...i decorated a tablecloth in honor of Dr. Seuss' are some pictures:

A sneetch, the grinch, and the cover of "Oh, The Places You'll Go"

Vermont in the winter

Me, with blonde hair

ok, so now that i've bored you with all that nonsense, i'm gonna go...maybe i'll post something later on my trip to Vermont (i have a picture of some very creepy dolls my grandmother puts on display every Christmas that might amuse someone)...bye!!

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