Monday, February 9, 2009

Being Sick

ima just come right out and say it: being sick sucks!! i mean sure, i get to lose a bunch of school, but wheres the fun in that if im sneezing and coughing every 5 seconds?? i had to go to the doctors today and they gave me all this medication that i have to take...the only good thing about it is that i get to take pills instead of that nasty liquid crap that seems to be the only thing we have at the house!! yeah anyway it sucks...AND tomorrow is fcat, so unless i take the makeup test later, i have to go to school, and i HATE taking makeup tests...its so akward cuz theres like nobody there when you take it...of course, the fcat might be different but still...i just really wanna go to sleep but i cant cuz its only 5:48...ugh being sick is so complicated!! plus, i can never just have one thing wrong with me now can i?? no!! instead, i have A) the common cold, B) a weird "carbuncle" (an ugly boil-pimple-like thing) on the back of my neck that POPPED (which is DISGUSTING, by the way!!), AND C) my head and back hurt like crap...ive used up 3 boxes of tissue and now my nose is all red and i cant touch it w/o it getting all sore and junk...its the 21st century, people!! just come up with a cure for the common cold already so i can get on with my life and only have to deal with the stupid neck thing!! im probably boring the 2 people who might actually read this, but i have to get it off my chest somehow...i dont have a diary, so this is the next best thing, i if i have bored you to the point of insanity, you can either A) go off on your merry way after having 15 minutes of your precious life wasted by this aggravated ranting, B) comment on it telling me how bored (or entertained if youre some kind of freak) you were by my aggravated ranting, or C) think of something else to do cuz i only thought of yeah ill shut up now...bye

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